If you check the work in pittsburgh post from february this is the same room that had the cieling torn down before. I'm slowly working my way throught this house and fixing then finishing every room. So far the first has been the most extensive. three or four more to go. These are a couple of shots of simon. He decided that it was funny to put bubbles on his chin. He would dip his head down until his chin was skimming the water and come up with a huge smile and a face full of bubbles. The other pic is of him sitting in his alcove. it is simon sized. it doesn't fit me or ellie so we have handed over the lease for teh bit of property to him. We love you all and hope you are doing well.
Hey Nate, are you living in the house you're renovating? How 'bout a good news update on what you guys are doing? Sure do like the pictures, including the ones from the museum. How's Ellie doing with her nursing? Can you help me with the Chinese characters on my Goalie's Anxiety blog. Much love. Dad
Simon is one cute & handsome kitten!! I miss him :) Please keep showing him my picture, so he's not afraid of me in July!!
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