Took a bike ride out onto the Dyea Flats for a solo beach day
"Toy Story Sky" before work one morning
So today is day 10 out of 11 days I will work in a row. I have loved my job from the get go. But damn, being energetic, happy, smiley, patient, and etc for 10 hours every day for 11 days in a row wears ya out!! I have only had one truly bad day since i started, for no reason in particular, just a mix of every single thing being slightly off. One day out of 3 months?! Not bad at all!!! I'm looking at my schedule to come. . . . 9 days in a row for the next two weeks. . . . But hell that means 3 days off in a row. The possibilities are endless. Hike the Chilkoot? Go to the Haines eagle sanctuary during the salmon run? Drop into a small coma? Hang around the house at night and train for the road relay race coming up on sep 9th? The list goes on and on, but I can't help but think, have I waited too long in the season to fit all of these things into the last month and a half? Time has been flying by this summer. Before I know it I will be back in Orem with the family I love. But what is next? School? Backpack Guatemala with new friends? Move to Salt Lake? Move to Logan?
All of these thoughts colide in my mind on day 10 out of 11 days I will work in a row.
wow TIM! great photos and fascinating thoughts. so good to get the new. hope we can talk on the phone sometime soon. love you. dad
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