Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sam -- from India!

Missed the mail this week… I guess I’ll just have to re-read your letter from last week about how well Obama is doing.
My companion and I were attacked with more anti-american sentiment than I’ve felt since I left New Delhi on Saturday morning as we talked to an old man in front of his house. I walked up with a smile, and the next thing I knew we were in deep trouble. “Where are you from” came first out of his mouth. Followed by a feeble “He’s from Nepal and I’m from usa” I purposefully dropped my voice and tried to smooth over the on-coming berating I knew would come. “Your country is a christian country right?? So tell me this, did you elect that president of yours? Is it right for a Christian country to be doing what you are doing in the world? Can you really come into my country and try and teach me how to be more loving and good when the people in your country can’t get it right?” He let us have it Dad, I kept my mouth shut, and wondered how it’d be if we didn’t hate each other, if we learned to trust others, and put away our own selfish desires once in a while and helped somebody in need. That seems to me like it’d be much better than shooting missiles and guns at each other. But what do I know?
Love you dad, good hard week ahead and behind of me, and I like what I do.

I learned (from a 19 year old from Dakota) that only 4.5 percent of the whole world’s population (I don’t know how accurate that is or how even they could begin to calculate that) is over six feet tall.
Think about my surprise when I walked into the gym this morning at 6:15, my little run-downer gym that I’ve been working out in for the last three months, and was approached by a short fair-skinned and nicely bearded man. The first thing he said was “I notice that your skin is very white, where are you from?” “I’m from the United States” “Are you mormon??” and that’s how it started. Ha ha, I laughed, and we talked for three minutes about our backgrounds and lives. His name is Jay, he’s doing a work for a non profit organization that helps young children get an education at a cheap school with good teachers. “Let’s do some reps man,” was the next thing he said, and we laughed at each other’s inability to really do anything productive with the complicated machines. He asked if I was sad about Romney, I said no. He was surprised, and I asked if he’d be voting. His reply was that he’d be on the e-vote on the internet, but it didn’t matter much because something about his state being last or small or inconsequential or something. I told him that in my state if you didn’t vote republican you’re condemned as a sinner. Funny guy, and I enjoyed his attitude about life. Not to mention we’ve got a new gym buddy and I’ve never had a friend from the Dakotas before.
The week was sweet. I don’t think I can contribute to your blog. BUT, if you want to put any of my mails onto it, you’re welcome to edit and cut and paste what you’d like…
Love you dad

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