Saturday, February 18, 2012

February 18th Photo

Kelsey's father just sent this. Looks like Tom is on the mend.

Love you Tom, just like I love the other 6 of you.

Family. That's what it comes down to, in the end, finally, in various forms, sometimes broken forms, but family is family.

All we've got, when all is said and done, is love.


Tim said...

Couldn't have said it any better. Love you guys!

Sam said...

When there's nothing left to burn you have to set yourself on fire.
And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.
Miss you guys - Party at Dad's house sometime soon.

Unknown said...

I agree all the way.. Love you all. And, YES, dad, can we have a get-together at your house sometime before tim & sam take off to alaska, so we can all play games & relax? LOVE you, mar

Unknown said...

I agree all the way.. Love you all. And, YES, dad, can we have a get-together at your house sometime before tim & sam take off to alaska, so we can all play games & relax? LOVE you, mar