Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The French!

This is a musical and mechanical essay.

Its purpose is to make fun of the French, and by extension, of Ben.

While making copies today in preparation for class tomorrow -- the class called "Wanderlust: Writing Travel" -- I had time to read some of the directions stamped into the plastic case of the copier.

A set of directions, in English, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, and who knows what else, listed possible dangers to the machine. The dangers included originals with staples, originals with sticky surfaces, originals with paper clips.

And it was in the latter list that the French came up with their own danger, a musical danger, a curved and tubular danger: ORIGINEAX AVEC TROMBONES!

I don't know just what's going on in that country, why they would be copying originals with trombones, why trombones would be anywhere near copy machines, why trombones wouldn't be kept in the clubs and out of the offices, but evidently warning office workers to avoid copying originals with trombones makes sense in France.

But perhaps Ben could enlighten us?


Benabbo said...

What's shaped like a trombone and holds sheets of paper together? The real question is, which came first the trombone or the trombone?

This reminds me of Rachel's concern when I sent a receipt to her during my mission. It was a normal grocery receipt with easily identifiable items like "oranges, fromage" etc. It did peak her curiosity when she saw that Elder Peterson and I had purchased several boxes of "tampons." It's tricky when languages pass so close in the night.

Scott Abbott said...

tampons! trombones! telephones!

okay, not telephones.

my favorite word of the week, after trombone/paper clip, was the Norwegian word for buttocks: rumpeballe.