Friday, January 9, 2009

Thursday Ski

Il le fair du ski?
As we were climbing up Green Canyon on Thursday Ben said that he had a song for us to learn. I can't remember any of it now, but man it was fun. It was a round of 4 or 5 lines in French. The climb was my favorite part of the trip yesterday, it was so relaxed and it was amazing to see Sam leading the pack with his new fattie skins. Ben hung back with me, but I soon acquired just as good skins as Sam thanks to some really sticky snow. We got to the top and Ben realized that we would have to leave immediately in order to get home so Rachel wouldn't think that we got in an avalanche. Ben and Ryan flew down the mountain with ease. Sam and Jake and I followed, but the light was fading quickly. After what felt like the longest/least rewarding downhill experience, I stumbled out of the trees after losing a ski a hat, and a lot of confidence. We had to get out the headlamps to see, and the rest of the way was a wide trail that provided some easy speed. The wind picked up when we had about five minutes before we got to the car. 10 minutes later I slide up to the car and prepare my gear for the car. After thinking about it for a while I realized that it was all worth it. I got to spend 3 hours with Friends and family, and I will hold those memories forever. Thank you Sam and Ben for encouraging me to come and for putting up with my juddy attitude towards the end. Love You!

1 comment:

Scott Abbott said...

Tim, nice story. You sure know how to make a guy jealous. Bet it was amazing. Love you.