Wednesday, October 27, 2010

paper wings

Firstly, ben your post didn't work at first, now it does.
No one understands "postscript allow full screen allowance..."

Let's maKe ours about faRts.
She laughs every time somebody farts
Or talks aBout farts.
"Duh, who couldn't."

I perrrrr one out like a trumpet.

William Faulkner advocated public
Now people pee on his grave as a tribute
And smash whiskey and peppermint schnapps

Our batman, ironman, star wars, spiderman
Kites didn't fly well yesterday
Even though tornado warnings told us
To stay inside.
Somehow I managed to get mine stuck in a tree.

It hurts so good

allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="224">

Monday, October 25, 2010

Florence, Alabama. The Heart of Dixie

Deep South.
Tubing at the
boating on the
Tennessee river,
hard rain, and
quiet Jake, the
dancer dog.

Oxford, Miss.... William Faulkner Gaulkner McKenzie didn't want me to post the one with her hair...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Brooms field Colorado.

Jesse w ward... Samuel o Abbott... 1991 dodge spirit... Made it to denver tonight with the cruise control blistering and apple cores from Logan trees and no music but the drivers side door that wouldn't close but whistled to us like lazy sirens. Cruise control. You think volkswagon could have thought of that. Half day here tomorrow, on to a nigh in Kansas and then it's Mississippi calling,

Monday, October 4, 2010

Winter comes

Hello family. Summer is done and Sam is gone but here are some memories of when that wasn't the case. We miss you Sam and we love you fam.