Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas, Game Night

Pictures for Ben and Tom. We played only your music during the party, and when your voices and instruments spoke in lulls in the action, we spoke about how we wished you were here too.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

GinGerBreaD HouSe MaKinG!!!


Sunday Lunch with the kids..

The boys Snow Fort..

jar-bear @the primary talent show;)

Western Williams's Workout

Pit and Catch Phrase up on the Mountain

More THanksgiving Pics

Here lies a dead mouse,

lifted from hiding by Jasmine the cat,

killed out of sport,

left to become jerky on the hot cement.

Less respect than ugly ankles at a fashion show.

Here lies a dead mouse,

found by four eight-year olds,

bored with a sharp stick.

Stabbed it through the hips.

Less respect than a long haired boy at a Mormon church.

Discussion of death, diseases,

why not touch dead things?

Somber kids repenting of curiosity,

a consensus to tribute this dead mouse’s life with

a shrine

Here lies a dead mouse,

buried under stubborn dirt,

sharp pine needles defending the body,

batteries scattered on top giving energy to the deceased,

a cross built with a sharp stick,

orange shadow across the dirt,

a cardboard sign announcing

“Here Lies a Dead Mouse”

with four arrows pointing down.

A little respect.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Discourse on eggs

In the course of a week I've experienced a portion of the spectrum of influence eggs can have on a human body. Wednesday night was a dinner-date with Dan at our house. Healthy, cheesy, well-spiced eggs were the centerpiece and Dan commented that he knows no one who can cook eggs like I can. My body reacted happily and I felt invincibly proteined. Monday brought a different tune to the music of my universe. I experienced elated independence as I cooked a no milk, no eggs chocolate cake that tasted divine - simply proving to myself the ability I have to live beyond the chickens' grasp. But then scrambled eggs with Dan were on the menu once again. Twenty-five minutes after the meal was consumed we both began investing a large portion of our afternoons to toilet-time. We'd angered the egg gods somehow and were punished sorely. Maybe it was my cake.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Trying to beat Bens conference video.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Frostbite and warm nights

In the last hour of her life as a 9 month old, Ingrid finally squeezed out her first tooth. Bottom right. She's shy about it though and didn't let us take a picture. Here are a few photos from recently and a video we thought you would all like.

There are a few more on facebook follow this link: Pictures

Sunday, November 15, 2009

winter beauty

Thursday, October 29, 2009




Constructing the Meaning of Barbed Wire

in the 19th Century

Integrated Studies/History Lecture

Lyn Bennett and Scott Abbott

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

3:00 p.m. Library Auditorium LI 120

Welcome One and All!

Friday, October 23, 2009

.The farm

Oliver in Logan

Golfing with the Boys

Golfing for B-dubb's birthday. Tim's a great golfer, but this series of videos is a must-see. Keep in mind it was the ninth hole and we were all tired...

Attempt 2.

Attempt 3....

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Phin's gonna be a model

Phin and I are going to the baby expo this weekend to sell Hugamonkey slings.
Who will be able to resist buying one with this smile?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Conference Substitute

Now Dad, I suspect that you didn't make it to all of conference today. While this movie doesn't have the overarching vision of our reason for being, and it doesn't explicitly delve into keys for self improvement and peaceful living, I thought you might like it.

Love Ben

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rainbow / Equinox Coming

Quick little storm this afternoon, complete with a low rainbow.


Yesterday, cleaning up some timbers, I decided to store them upright in a line pointing to the place on Lake Mountain where the sun goes down on June 21st.

Here's what it looks like.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Trip to Circle on the Yukon

I did an overnight bike tour out the Steese highway to Circle on Friday and Saturday here are some pictures. Look for the hidden owl, moose, and Ingrid. (There are river otters in one of the pictures too but I don't think you'll be able to see them). I was charged by a moose at 2am but I had my bear-spray handy and it turned away. Four owls screeched all night--one time landing 10 feet away from me. I turned back before Circle--too many trucks up the road for the first week of the moose hunt. A man named Dave Champ who lives in a broken down schoolbus gave me water on the trip back.